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Huntington Truck Accident Attorney

Huntington Truck Accident Lawyer

Every day, hundreds of trucks travel up and down the roads of Huntington and the surrounding areas. While most arrive at their destination, some vehicles may be involved in an accident.

With their massive weight and size, these crashes can lead to significant injuries, property damage, and even death.

Many truck accidents are preventable. Unfortunately, the negligent or reckless actions of the driver, company owner, or vehicle manufacturer have led to an incident. Whether you have been injured or lost a loved one in a crash, contact a Huntington truck accident lawyer.

At Hendrickson & Long, PLLC, we have helped accident victims and their families seek compensation for their damages. Find out how we can assist with your truck accident claim.

Common Types of Truck Accidents

Everything from poor road conditions to excessive speed can lead to a truck accident. When the driver loses control of the vehicle, it can cause several types of crashes, such as:

  • Rollover accidents: Since trucks have a high center of gravity, they can tip due to sudden shifts in weight or sharp turns.
  • Rear-end collisions: Trucks need ample room to bring the vehicle to a safe stop. When the driver fails to stop, it can cause a rear-end collision with another vehicle.
  • Jackknife accidents: A truck’s trailer can swing in the opposite direction of the cab after a sudden brake, causing the vehicle to jackknife on the road.
  • Underride accidents: If a smaller vehicle slides underneath the truck’s trailer, that is called an underside collision.
  • Head-on collisions: When a truck collides with another vehicle or object, it can lead to these collisions.
  • Tire blowouts:Any damage to the tires may cause the driver to lose control and crash into other vehicles.
  • Blind spot accidents: Truck drivers have more prominent blind spots around the perimeter of their vehicle, which means that making turns or switching lanes can be hazardous for other vehicles on the road.
  • Rollovers: The truck’s cargo must be balanced correctly in the trailer. Otherwise, it can shift on the road and cause the vehicle to become unbalanced and tip over.

Any of these accidents have the potential to cause significant injuries and even death. Accident victims and their family members have a right to pursue legal action against the negligent parties.

Who Is Liable in These Cases?

In any personal injury or wrongful death claim, liability is the main focus of these cases. Without the party’s negligence or reckless actions, an accident would not have occurred. In most cases, negligence is assigned to one party.

However, in truck crash cases, multiple people, businesses, and entities could be responsible for the accident. These parties may include:

  • The driver: All drivers have a duty of care on the road. With that, they cannot engage in careless or reckless behavior behind the wheel, such as speeding, disobeying traffic laws, or driving under the influence.
  • Employers: If the accident occurs while the driver works for a company, the employer could also be liable for the accident. Employers are responsible for the actions of their employees while on the clock.
  • Truck owner: Some trucks are owned by the driver. In that case, the liability remains with the driver. However, if there is a separate truck owner, they must ensure that their vehicle remains safe on the road.
  • Maintenance companies: If a mechanical issue was determined to cause an accident, and the vehicle was recently repaired, the fault could be placed on the company that completed the work.
  • Truck manufacturer: Design flaws or defective parts in the truck can cause an accident, leaving the vehicle manufacturer responsible for any incidents.
  • Cargo loaders: Some accidents result from improperly secured or loaded cargo. Anyone who loaded the vehicle could be liable for the crash.

The specifics of the accident determine who is responsible for the impact. If you would like to learn more about the liable parties involved in your case, a Huntington truck accident lawyer can assist.

Types of Compensation

If another person or party was responsible for the accident, the victim and their family members may be able to seek compensation. These monetary awards can help to recover losses from the crash.

These types of compensation may include:

  • Medical expenses, including emergency services, hospital care, medication, and rehabilitation.
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity.
  • Property damage compensation for the damage to the victim’s vehicle or other property.
  • Pain and suffering can be recovered from the physical pain and emotional harm caused by the result of the accident.
  • Loss of consortium may be recovered for the loss of care, companionship, and love after the death of a family member.

If the courts find the defendant’s conduct reckless, they may award punitive damages. However, these awards are rare and only happen in extreme negligence cases.

Is There a Time Limit to File a Claim?

In the state of West Virginia, there is a time limit to when you can file a lawsuit. Accident victims and their families have up to two years from the accident date.

However, there are some exceptions to the rule. In some instances, victims were minors or legally disabled; they may have a longer window to file a claim.

If you have any concerns about your case, consider consulting with an experienced Huntington truck accident lawyer. These legal professionals can help you file within the correct timeframe, so you don’t miss out on compensation.

Get Assistance with Your Huntington Truck Accident Case

Truck accidents are complicated matters. You don’t want to handle an insurance claim or lawsuit alone. A Huntington truck accident lawyer can help you take the following steps in pursuing compensation and justice for your case.

At Hendrickson & Long, PLLC, we understand that dealing with the aftermath of a truck accident can be long and arduous. Allow our legal team to help you find the right legal options for your situation.

Schedule a free consultation today with one of our experienced attorneys.

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