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Morgantown Wrongful Death Attorney

Morgantown Wrongful Death Lawyer

When a loved one passes away because of the negligent or intentional acts of an individual or company, it’s considered a wrongful death. Unfortunately, many families are left to grapple with this loss.

These incidents are tragic events that sometimes necessitate getting a Morgantown wrongful death lawyer involved to investigate them. An attorney like ours can step in to examine evidence to determine whether negligence or misconduct played a role in causing that fateful outcome. Provided it did, surviving family members like you may be able to seek compensation for the loss of your loved one.

If your family has been affected by the unexpected, preventable death of a loved one, you may want to consider reaching out to a Morgantown wrongful death attorney at The Law Office of Matthew L. Sharp for assistance. We can offer you a complimentary consultation during which you can discuss the series of events that claimed your close relative’s life and the legal options you have for seeking justice against the entity who harmed them.

What Can Lead to These Preventable Deaths?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDD) reports that there are more than 400,000 unintentional deaths (not of natural causes) in the US each year. While not all of these incidents are someone’s fault, many are.

A loved one’s passing has far-reaching effects and makes an immediate impact on the financial, emotional, and daily aspects of the lives of surviving family members. However, when an untimely death is the result of the actions of a person, company, or other entity, many family members want answers.

These incidents aren’t just accidents; they involve negligent or reckless actions that have no regard for the safety of others and, in turn, lead to someone’s death. Many types of accidents can cause a wrongful death, such as:

In all these cases, someone acted in a negligent manner, and West Virginia civil law allows families to hold those parties responsible for their actions and seek fair compensation for losses.

What Types of Damages Can You Seek If a Loved One Dies?

In the aftermath of a wrongful death, many families are faced with a financial burden. Surviving family members may be able to recover compensation for both economic and non-economic losses, such as the following, by filing a wrongful death action:

  • Medical expenses for any costs related to the treatment of the fatal injuries
  • Lost income includes the individual’s salary, potential future earnings, and other monetary losses
  • Funeral and burial expense reimbursements incurred by family members
  • Pain and suffering damages address the emotional toll and mental anguish experienced by family members due to the loss of their loved one
  • Loss of companionship and consortium acknowledges the absence of the deceased’s companionship, guidance, and support

When seeking damages from negligent parties after a loved one’s sudden passing, you need a skilled Morgantown wrongful death lawyer for your case. An experienced attorney will know how to determine an appropriate amount of compensation that you and your family are owed.

Of course, nothing can bring your loved one back, but this compensation can help relieve the financial struggles you may be suffering after their death.

Schedule a free consultation with a wrongful death lawyer in MorgantownWho Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Monongalia County?

In the case of a wrongful death claim, West Virginia law requires the appointment of a personal representative for the deceased’s estate to pursue a legal claim. This is often a family member, attorney, or the executor of the estate.

However, any settlements or awards will pass to the beneficiaries, such as:

  • Surviving spouses
  • Children, including stepchildren and adopted children
  • Parents
  • Siblings

To receive any compensation, the above individuals must show they relied on the deceased person’s income or other financial benefits for their survival.

Like most civil cases, there is a limited amount of time for the personal representative to file a claim on behalf of the deceased’s estate. If no legal action is brought to court, your family may lose their chance to seek compensation.

West Virginia’s statute of limitations is typically two years from the date of death.

Why You Need a Morgantown Wrongful Death Lawyer for Your Case

These cases focus on one vital aspect of the issue: determining liability. If the actions of a person, business, or entity did not occur, then the deceased individual would still be alive. Liability can be challenging to prove. That’s why it’s so important to have an experienced Morgantown wrongful death attorney as your advocate.

At Hendrickson & Long, PLLC, our qualified attorneys will take the time to learn about your story and examine all the facts of the case. When it comes time to negotiate with the insurance, we’ll take the reins on your behalf.

Many times, insurance companies and the other parties’ legal defense want to blame the victim for their own death to minimize the amount they have to pay out, often offering a settlement for a less-than-reasonable amount. Our experienced lawyers will be there to protect your legal rights and fight for maximum compensation.

In the event that negotiations fail, your attorney will represent your interests at trial, presenting compelling evidence to prove that the defendant’s actions were reckless and responsible for the death of your loved one.

Our legal professionals will be your advocate every step of the legal process.

Get In Touch With Us at Hendrickson & Long, PLLC for Help

If you’ve suffered the loss of a loved one as a result of reckless or negligent actions, you need a skilled and experienced Morgantown wrongful death lawyer for your case. Henderickson & Long PLLC has helped many West Virginia families recover damages in these types of cases and can help you do the same.  So, reach out to us to schedule your free consultation today.

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